Hotel Management Sim
Simulation game that allows students in George Brown’s Hotel Management program to gain an understanding of the ins and outs of managing all aspects of a hotel (staff, customer satisfaction, finances, marketing, refurbishment, etc.).
Platform: PC
Engine: Unity
Gameplay and UI:
You have recently been hired to take over the management of a failing hotel. You will be loaned an amount of money (specified by the professor), but you are expected to pay it back by the end of the loan period. You have three years to turn this hotel into a profitable entity.
This simulator runs on monthly cycles. The students can make all decisions and advance to the next month when needed. To track the success in a quick view, the players can look at the hotel's financial situation and the popularity, guest mood, and staff mood, depicted as gauges in the top left corner of the screen.
The UI depicts all options that the players can adjust for the current month to make decisions that will affect the entire system. The reports page displays information that shows the user how the hotel has performed in the previous months.
Demo reel: