Conceptual clock based on the stages of sleep. By using two types of alarm Time Up changes the current user's sleep phase to a shallow one. It makes the waking up process easier and more effective.
The alarm is controlled by a proximity sensor. When a second alarm goes off this sensor gets activated in order to detect the user in bed. It will automatically turn off when the user gets up.
Two kinds of alarms. The first one generates a moderate sound, which makes it possible for the user to pass from a deep sleep stage to a shallow one.
The second alarm has a more strident sound which goes off 15 minutes after the previous alarm has stopped.
Shape and weight generate movement and balance.
Interaction map
Press the numbers repeatedly to modify.
Press the alarm icon to set it on or off.
Press the numbers and the day to modify them.
Slide from right to left or viceversa to switch from hour mode to alarm or date mode.
Handmade mock-up